Voucher Code Website
123Save is an online voucher code website that delivers hundreds of high-value up-to-date offers, discounts and deals from a range of leading high street and online brands.
The Problem: As leaders in the fields of customer loyalty, rewards schemes and memberships clubs The Rocket Marketing Group wanted to test and tap potential new online markets with a strongly branded, robust and easily updatable website in order to deliver vouchers and redemption codes to multi-level bargain spotting subscribers.
- Blogs, guides, slideshows and newsletters
- Multi-level auto-billed paid user accounts
- Call to Action split testing and analysis
- Graphic design by Rocket’s Gary Simpson
The Outcome: With strong focus on providing visitors with easy access to the hundreds of individual money-off offers, I developed around 20 joomla! plugins to provide: trackable call to action banners, automated related offer lists, extra pagination, social bookmarking, user-level call-outs and internal ads to encourage maximum clicks from each segmented visitor type. The website allows the new brand to present the benefits of joining (for Free) with a variety of propositions and appeals to entice visitors to upgrade to paid membership. Rocket’s marketing manager provided a great testimonial thanking me for all that I had added to the team effort.
“Martin is a hard-working, knowledgeable and reliable member of the team. He takes pride in all the work he produces.” Faye Hopkins