SEO Consultancy

Are you catching your full share of your search market?

At a loss as to why you don’t get the amount of search traffic you expected when you had your site built? Well everything has its reasons and with a little help you can make sense of it all and optimise your site in-house.

Rather than guessing when it comes to optimising your own or your company website or paying a large marketing agency to manage your SEO campaign – consider having your SEO campaign set up by a professional so you can get going with optimising your site yourself.

Website Migration SEO Consultation Case Study – Feature World

Expert SEO Website MigrationSEO Website Migration

Feature World is the online base for one of the UK’s leading journalist and magazine feature writers Alison Smith-Squire.

The Problem
With a large volume of features, articles and interviews published in the UK dailies and weekend suppliments, Feature world wanted to know just why their large and growing volume of content was not showing up in the search results and what should be done to get the most from all the content published on the web previously.

Alison Smith-Squire searched for an expert to give her some guidance and after a quick call I suggested a free review that lead to a dialog regarding her fears of the forthcoming site move. With that I suggested that a couple of 4 hour review and advice sessions would be all they need to make the move and to add and optimise in a that would ensure Google correctly crawls, indexes and ranks the site pages in the search engine results pages.

By reviewing the existing site and providing a plan that would help Feature world’s web developer to migrate the site to a new blank installation of wordpress, re-theme the site and then optimise it for search engines, the team got all the information and encouragement they needed to continue in just 8 hours of consultantcy work.

Answering questions, listing best practices and giving specific instructions, as well as providing easy to follow SEO campaign best practice advice, I was able to advice the team via Skype on how to publish and optimise all of the existing site articles in the new site to best attract more free traffic every day.

WordPress migration advice on information architecture, site configuration, best wordpress plugins for seo and how to use them alongside a campaign spreadsheet to ensure that all pages are optimised and that Google robots have no problem accessing and indexing just the right pages that Feature World wanted to show up in the search results… And they did…

Not getting anywhere with your static html, joomla, drupal, rubbish cms website?
Take both my and Feature World’s advice and enjoy:

The benefits of using WordPress

  • Control of site structure, urls and menu link text
  • Easy to add content via pages, posts, tags and categories
  • SEO plugins such as yoast to help optimise new articles
  • Control of sidebars and generic optimsed footer content
  • Free plugins for seo site maps and extra functionality

The Results
Relieved to be rid of the old content management system and all of the associated technical SEO issues it came with was a great relief to Alison, who quickly picked up how to easily add new posts to the site and also to use the Yoast SEO plugin to personalise each articles meta title, meta description and the anchor text from internal links.

Furthermore, with a better understanding of how all the duplicate content was accidentally created via over-tagging the articles and how to disallow paginated pages (page 2, page 3, page 4 of any article) from the search results, we were able to ensure the xml sitemap submitted to Google contained just the specific pages we wanted to show in the search results. It worked, within a month of the site migration, the number of SEO errors and issues flagged in Google Webmaster Tools was reduced and the increased robot crawl rate indicated that Google was better able to crawl and rank new posts as soon as they were published.

The most common reason Google doesn’t put your pages in the organic search results are related to how easy your site makes it for robots to crawl, index and rank your pages. Another failing is often lack of experience optimising a new page or post for a certain phrase that people may be searching for and both can be identified and rectified in just a few hours of priceless advice.

See more SEO case studies, view a range of SEO Packages or drop me a line for a free website SEO review and report.

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