Organic Search Marketing

Natural Google Search Marketing / SEO Essentials

Get up-to-date expertise delivered straight to your inbox with free search engine marketing tips published to help businesses, website owners and search engine marketers get top rankings and more traffic .

27 Nov2018

Hey ho, a couple of years in and your self-promotion and marketing efforts have helped slowly but steadily increase traffic to your site in a way that sales figures grow quarter on quarter – in fact, there is enough money in the kitty to take it to the next level and get your site improved!… read more

30 Aug2018

Page load times are more critical than ever. People want instant access to everything – paying bills, shopping, reading articles, watching videos, etc. If there’s any delay, we’re on to something else – or we’re just disappointed. As overall page speeds have increased over the years, our attention spans have become shorter. To prove that… read more

19 Dec2017

In the past few years, Google has made several updates to its search algorithm, such that it is now almost impossible to figure it out, even if you are an SEO expert. With over 200 search engine signals (ranking factors) and very stringent rules, trying to bypass or manipulate Google’s search algorithm is now much… read more

28 Nov2016

Google wants to rank your pages in the search results, that’s a fact. However the search engine often has a difficult time doing so when the urls of your pages change. Sure it’s best not to change the address of your pages, posts, categories and tags but, there are a few instances when they just have… read more

23 Sep2016

When Google was founded, PageRank was the initial algorithm that was used to rank pages, which did so by considering the number of backlinks (incoming links to your site). However, over time, the algorithm used by Google to rank search results has evolved, and the current algorithm, which since today’s Penguin 4 update, is now… read more

14 Aug2016

In today’s modern era of information technology, search engine optimization has become the norm for a company’s online success. With Google holding a market share of 70% on PC and 87.59% on both smartphones and tablets, it’s no doubt that businesses should reconsider their SEO strategy in order to create Google-friendly websites. Google has been… read more

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