Marketing Checklist

Its not about what You offer – its about what They want!

People use the internet not to find out about companies like yours but to find solutions to their problems and needs. They want information, entertainment, downloads, transactions and purchases, and they want to do them quickly and easily. So use the checklist below to ensure that your digital marketing message and web pages effectively communicate the information your potential customers need in a way that helps them through the buying process.

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Here is your Marketing Essentials Checklist

    Switch your focus from you to them
  • they don’t have time to learn how to navigate your site, use standard layouts
  • you are not here to sell them stuff but to help them to get what they want
  • be sure to say “get your free widgets here” not “we offer free widgets”
    Create multiple propositions for each product
  • list the main features of your product
  • list the benefits each feature brings to customers
  • list the problems each benefit can solve for customers
  • make a proposition for each problem your product solves
  • deliver multiple propositions in the form of ads, emails or web pages
Help them all though the sales process:

You can split your potential customers into 6 distinct groups, separated by how aware they are of your product and how its benefits will satisfy their needs. Each step up the awareness ladder represents a different stage in the sales process and its your job to help each group to move one step at a time towards making a purchase.

There are only 6 groups of people you need to market to!
  • 6 – people who bought your product – SALE!
  • 5 – people who know why your products are great
  • 4 – people who know your product / solution exists
  • 3 – people who know a solution to their problem exists
  • 2 – people who have a need but unaware how to solve it
  • 1 – people who don’t have a need your product solves

With a clear understanding of what each group of potential customers need to know about how your products can solve their needs, you can deliver highly targeted information and propositions that encourages them all to move up the ladder and through the sales process towards a purchase, a sign-up or whatever you want them to do.

To find out how to map your propositions to the right people on each step of the sales ladder, sign up for more internet marketing tips, tricks and tools like this or get a free consultation.

More Digital Marketing Resources

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Time for Action? Give your products and services the professional marketing they deserve…

…or contact me to ask any question

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